Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Team 6 - G Force

My name is Annette Griffin and I live in the great state of Texas.  This year I will be introducing my Spotted Draft, Tally, to the sport of Competitive Trail Riding so miles, miles and more miles are in order!  But of course I will always choose Ginger when I need a perfect ride or Bella when I am looking for my Painted Pony fix this year.  I can't wait to see where the girls and I find ourselves in 2014.


  1. January 1, 2014 - Bella @ Trace Trails
    Beautiful, sunny and 62*

    10.87 mi
    2.7 mph

  2. Find yourself at Perry Lake in May!!

    1. Drat it!!!! That is the same weekend as our Without A Trace CTR in Athens and I'm the trailmaster. Do you think the rest of my ride mgmt team would notice if I wasn't there???

  3. Sunday, Jan 19, 2014
    Ginger @ Trace Trails with friends, Christa, Dan and Michaela

    9.66 mi
    3.0 mph

  4. Jan 21 -Ginger in the pasture 2.7 mi, 3.3mph
    Jan 22 - Tally @ Parrie Haynes 3.44mi, 4mph

  5. Jan 25 - Tally on the roads 4.25mi, 4mph
    Jan 26 - Penelope @ Mineola 7.38mi, 3.2mph

  6. Feb 15 - Tally 16.88, 4.1mph
    Feb 16 - Tally 14.21 4.2mph
    Feb 20 - Ginger 4.08 5.89mph

    total: 35.17 miles

  7. Feb 21 - Ginger 3.0 miles. Austin Arena 9am-12:30pm
    Feb 21 - Jango . .78mi

    Total for day 3.78mi

  8. Mar 6 - Tally 1.1mi Home Pasture
    Mar 7 - Tally .72mi Corral Camp at CTR
    Mar 8 - Tally 21.87mi Kisatchie Nat'l Forest CTR Day One
    Mar 9 - Tally 15.65mi Kasatchie Nat'l Forest CTR Day Two
    Mar 13 - Ginger .55mi Home Pasture
    Mar 13 - Bella - .56mi Home Pasture
    Mar 13 - Penelope - .55mi Home Pasture

    Total Miles = 41.00

  9. Mar 14 - Tally - 2.22mi Lake Whitney
    Mar 15 - Tally - 11.26mi Lake Whitney
    Mar 16 - Tally - 1.57mi Lake Whitney

    Total Miles = 15.05

  10. Mar 27 - Ginger 10.20mi Road Riding on FM 1395
    Mar 27 - Tally 1.04mi Practicing our Obstacles in the pasture

    Total Miles = 11.24

  11. Mar 28 - Tally 2.0mi
    Mar 30 - Ginger 16.2mi Pink Trail at Trace

    Total Miles = 18.2
