Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Team 86 - Get Lucky

My name is Lisa Hayes. I've been addicted to horses my entire life. (Those zoo ponies are a gateway drug!!!)
When I'm not working for Microsoft, you are most likely to find me riding one of my Tennessee Walking Horses.
My favorite horse sport is Competitive Mounted Orienteering (CMO) but I usually do an endurance ride once a year just for fun.
There are so many trails out here in Washington that I've yet to ride. I plan to ride more new and different places this year and put some miles on my young horse Lucky. Doing the Distance Derby will be a good incentive for me to carry my GPS and actually turn it on while exploring out new territory. With luck I'll finish out 2014 with some good new trail maps as a side benefit of GPSing my rides.


  1. Welcome to the Derby Lisa! Happy to see you here! Hopefully we'll get in some of those miles on new trails together!

  2. Place: Farrel with AM
    Date: 1/4/2014
    Miles: 5.98 miles
    Time 02:00
    Miles to Date: 5.98

  3. Redmond Watershed 1/10/13
    Miles: 5.75
    Miles to Date: 11.73

  4. Lords Hill Park - NWSAR fundraiser Trail Challenge
    With Lynn, and Sara Jane, Arleen, and Bonnie
    Time 02:30
    Miles 6
    Miles to Date: 17.73

  5. RWS solo to Tuscany where we met up with Anne-Marie and Rifle for a lap.
    Miles: 10.34
    Miles to Date: 28.07

  6. Place: Bridle Trails Park
    With Amanda, Lynn, Beth
    Date: 1/18/2014
    Miles: 6.06 miles
    Time 01:55
    Miles to Date: 34.13

  7. Place: Fall City Trails
    With: Vicki/Sasha
    Found that most of the old trails had been logged. Rode most of the day in fog/cloud and navigation was tough as we couldn't see any landmarks. Was glad to have my GPS!
    Date: 1/19/2014
    Miles: 9.23
    Miles to Date: 43.36

  8. It was a lovely sunny day. The nicest we have had in months! So I left work at 2:30 and got in a quick ride before dark.
    Place: Redmond Watershed - Solo
    Date: 1/23/2014
    Miles: 4.82
    Time: 1:10
    MTD: 48.18

  9. Another lovely sunny day! Lucky was feeling his spring haha's. He wanted to run and we did our fastest lap around the park yet.
    Place: Redmond Watershed and Tuscany Loop- Solo
    Date: 1/24/2014
    Miles: 9.13
    Time: 1:57
    MTD: 57.31

  10. Started at the Redmond Watershed parking lot but we did a little different path than our normal lap. Took the powerline to Redmond Ridge. Found several down trees ... one finally blocked us completely so we turned back. Rode down Novelty and got a look at the new Wildlife crossing. Looks like Peds and Horses will be able to use it too. Took Kerrits Bog to Colins Creek then round back to the Watershed Lot. Rode with Vicki and Betsy.
    Date: 1/26/14
    Miles: 8.41
    Time: 02:47
    MTD: 65.72

  11. Redmond Watershed "figure 8 lap". Solo
    The ground has been frozen hard for several days and footing was dry but hard as concrete. Even with boots on Lucky was seeking the soft shoulder. We walked the whole 5 mile lap. Didn't see any other horses and only a couple hardy bikers and serious joggers.
    Date: 2/8/14
    Miles: 5.05
    Time: 01:34
    MTD: 70.77

  12. Redmond Watershed "figure 8 lap". Solo. Rode Lucky and ponied Royal.
    Both horses had a serious case of the Spring HaHa's and just wanted to run! So we did a quick flying lap around the Watershed before dark. Lucky is starting to get disgustingly fit. He had Royal breathing hard coming up the switchback hill. By mile 4 Royal was starting to lag. Got to get both boys fit for summer!
    Date: 2/14/14
    Miles: 5.05
    Time: 01:04
    MTD: 75.82

  13. Redmond Watershed Plus Collins Creek. Solo. Rode Lucky and snuck in a quick ride in the light rain before the sideways rain came in. Lucky has finally figured out Canter... and not that all he want to do! Fun as long as the trails are clear.
    Date: 2/15/14
    Miles: 5.61
    Time: 01:23
    MTD: 81.43

  14. Bridle Trails on Lucky and Ponying Royal. With Vicki and Sasha.
    Did a lap around the perimeter of BT. Visited the Alpaca's. I love that they have now become boring to the horses. Royal did pretty good being ponied but he still wants to boss Lucky around and kept nipping Lucky on the butt! What a stinker!
    Date: 2/16/14
    Miles: 5.05
    Time: 01:48
    MTD: 86.48

  15. Redmond Watershed and Tuscany. Rode Lucky and ponied Royal. With Vicki and Sasha.
    Rode in light rain and had a wonderful pleasant ride.
    Lucky got some unexpected yet good group ride training. We crossed paths with a couple gals that didn't want to pass us... yet when we moved out let their horses run right up our backsides. The pull of our little herd was strong! So Lucky learned to deal with 2 horses that wanted to race us while he still needed to keep his head and listen to his rider. Made for an interesting finish to a good ride. Still this is something I expect he will have to handle again in the future so better that he learn to deal with it now.
    Miles: 9.5
    Time: 02:30
    MTD: 91.98

  16. Thanks for adding up my miles right! Apparently I'm too tired after riding to do math. LOL :)

    Redmond Watershed Plus Collins Creek Connector. Lucky Solo. Fabulous Day in the mid 50's. Where did this weather come from! Had to skip out of work early and get in a quick ride.

    Miles: 5.89
    Time: 01:30
    MTD: 101.87

  17. CMO Ride at Scatter Creek. Rode with Eileen Reilich & Bella and Lynn Mazer & Kitty.
    Fabulous ride where we found all 10 target plates, saved Ross from falling off his horse, ran happy horses for a mile to the finish without any goofy race brains kicking in. We crossed the "Mud pit of doom" 3X while Miss Kitty gave her new Renegade Viper boots the ultimate test... the boots Passed!
    Horses finish pleasantly tired but with gas still in the tank to do more miles if we had needed too.
    Date: 3/1/14
    Miles: 16.05
    Time: 03:37
    MTD: 117.88

  18. Congrats on getting over 100 miles :-)

    1. Thank you for hosting the DD! I'm really enjoying logging and GPS'ing my rides. I've been pleasantly surprised by how many miles I've riding YTD. Normally I just ride without logging anything. 100 miles by end of Feb isn't bad considering it's middle of winter still. :)

  19. Bridle Trails. Rode Lucky and ponied Royal. Rode with Vicki and Sasha.
    Horses did good! The boys were full of themselves.
    Date: 3/9/14
    Miles: 6.8
    MTD: 124.68

  20. Lovely spring day and I skipped out of work early to ride. Was worth it!
    RWS & Tuscany loop. Lucky solo. Lucky got to really move out and burn up some of those spring haha's he been feeling. The long legged youngster is starting to get disgustingly fit. Ran the hills and he was sweaty at the top but not out of breath... and he wanted to run more! The hard workout he got 9 days ago is showing clearly in more wind, endurance, and strength.
    Miles: 9.15
    Time: 2:06
    MTD: 133.83

  21. With the threat of rain coming in... I went west to Bridle Trails again. Some fast work on Lucky with lots of cantering and working on balance.
    Miles: 8.4
    Time: 1:38
    MTD: 142.23

  22. Decided to go back to basics with Lucky and work on Foundation and gaiting in the Arena where he can focus. Interesting how few miles we log when focus is on stopping, backing, leg yields, etc.
    Date: 3/23/14

    Miles 4.5
    Time: 2:30
    MTD: 148.08

  23. Danville-Georgetown on Lucky with Vicki/Sasha.
    Scouting and GPSing trails in preparation for setting up the CMO ride on April 12. Mapped a new Road and trail connector that had been built last fall when they logged. Will be updating the map next!
    Date: 3/23/14
    Miles: 8.65
    Time: 4:00
    MTD: 156.23

  24. Scatter Creek on 3/29/14 with Lynn/Kitty
    Miles: 14.31
    Time: 3:10
    MTD: 170.54

  25. Got in a quick ride after work. What a lovely spring day! Saw trilliums and swamp-fulls of skunk cabbage in full bloom. After a record 9+inch March rainfall month it's about time we had sun.
    Miles: 3
    Time: 1:00
    MTD: 173.54

  26. Setting up the Danville-Georgetown CMO ride. I got 4 of the farthest plates up before the real rain came in and I wimped out.
    Lucky did really well riding solo. He even ground tied when I set up clues and plates. Winter training is paying off!
    Miles: 4.5
    Time: 2:43
    MTD: 178.04

  27. D-G set up part 2. Sunshine and short sleeve shirts! Got all the plates and clues up. Had a great ride.
    Miles: 10.31
    Time: 4:50

  28. And now, the D-G takedown ride. A glorious spring day with temps in the 70's!
    Miles: 10.51
    Time: 4:00
    MTD: 198.82

  29. Redmond Watershed and Tuscany. Gorgeous day but I was feeling lousy. So we stayed close to home and had a nice fast ride through the watershed and Tuscany loop.
    Miles: 9.13
    Time: 2:21
    MTD: 207.95

  30. Congrats on getting over 200 miles :-)

  31. April 25, 2014
    RWS with Royal. After almost 6 months rest to heal up his back Royal was raring to go. The good boy was so happy to be out on the trails again. We just did a short lap around the Watershed as a test to see if his back is fully healed up.
    Miles: 4.27
    Time: 1:42
    MTD: 212.22

    April 27, 2014
    Took Lucky to Moss Lake with Vicki and Sasha. Did all the winding woods trails and added in some exploring on the far side of the pipeline road. There is a whole new section that has been logged to explore connector logging roads in!
    Miles: 12.05
    Time: 4
    MTD: 220.00

  32. Your math is better than mine! Thanks! :)

  33. 4/30/14 Last ride for the Month of April and hot 80 degree weather. Did fast lap around RWS and Tuscany then hosed Lucky off. We are not used to this heat and he was running the hills and trails. What a sweaty shedding hairball of mud. So nice to have a hose at the park!!!
    Miles: 9.5 miles
    Time: 2:09
    MTD: 233.77

  34. 5/3/14 Rain showers blowing through with blue sky I between. Gotta ride. Took Lucky and ponied Royal out at Moss Lake. Explored out some new clear cut on the far side off the Truck road. Up the hill, take a left, take a right and there is a promising connector road into the next forest section that I need to come back and ride with my trail saw.
    Miles: 10.5
    Hours: 3
    MTD: 244.27

  35. 5/7/14 Quick ride at Farrel. Took both Lucky and Royal and got in a little time on both boys.
    Miles: 3.5
    MTD: 247.77

  36. 5/10/14 Green Mtn. CMO. Rode Lucky with Lynn and Kitty. Took 2nd place ribbon!
    Miles: 13.6
    MTD: 261.37

    5/11/14 Fast Sunday CMO at Green Mtn. Got all the plates and ran back to camp to take 2nd place again. We're #2! LOL
    Miles: 4
    MTD: 265.37

  37. 5 weeks after surgery and I'm back to logging miles... not much but I'm back in the saddle again!
    Miles: 0.5
    Miles: 0.5
    MTD: 266.37

  38. Whoohoo! Another half mile post surgery ride. It just feels good to be back on a horse and I'll take the pathetic half mile round the ring we did.
    Miles: 0.5
    MTD: 266.87

  39. And my addiction to riding continues... all miles on Royal (the veteran) while Lucky the youngster gets fat.
    6/19/14 ring at farm
    Miles: 0.5
    6/20/14 ring at farm
    Miles: 0.5
    6/21/14 SVT trail with Melissa and AM
    Miles: 2.36
    6/22/14 RWS with Sandra
    Miles: 4.29
    MTD: 274.52

  40. 6/28/14 RWS with Melissa/Gouda. Riding Royal.
    Miles: 4.40
    6/29/14 Moss Lake with Vicki/Sasha
    MTD: 287.15

  41. 7/2/14 Work in the arena with Royal and Lucky
    Miles: 3.4
    7/3/14 RWS plus Keris Bog Trail
    Miles: 8.42
    MTD: 298.97

  42. 7/4/14 Moss Lake. Rode Royal and ponied Lucky
    Miles: 10.09
    MTD: 309.06

  43. 7/5/14 Bridle Trails riding Lucky. With Penny on Royal. Fran on Noelle. Lela on Bee. Did a nice lap around the park. Horses were happy and forward.
    Miles: 5.05
    MTD: 314.11

  44. Congrats on getting over 300 miles :-)

  45. 7/10/14 Quick evening lap around the RWS. Rode Lucky with Melissa and Gouda.
    Miles: 4.6
    MTD: 319.71

  46. 7/11/14 RWS out to KT Arena and back again. Rode Lucky solo. It was hot!!!
    Miles: 8.6

    7/12/14 Arena work on Lucky with lesson from Robin Ryner.
    Miles: 2.1

    7/12/14 Arena work on Lucky with a short ride at Paradise Valley. Lesson with Robin.
    Miles: 7.5

    MTD: 336.91

  47. 7/16/14 Arena work with Royal and Lucky
    Miles: 1.5

    7/17/14 Evening Prize ride at BT. Took Royal to veteran. Rode with BJ/Amber, Susan/Capri, Justine/Willow
    Miles: 3.4

    MTD: 341.81

  48. 7/18/14 Weather finally cooled down so I got in a nice long solo ride on Lucky. Rode RWS and Tuscany plus Lake of the Woods to Tolt then Collins Creek back to RWS.
    Miles: 13.24
    MTD: 355.05

  49. 7/19/14 Took Royal out for a ride around RWS and Tuscany. He is getting more fit! Felt good to get him out for a long ride again.
    Miles: 9.61

    7/20/14 Taylor Mtn to the summit on Lucky. Rode with Vicki/Sasha
    Miles: 11.85

    MTD: 376.51

  50. Fabulous weekend of riding CMO at Les Hilde with Fran and Noel.
    7/25/14 Friday evening warmup ride
    Miles: 2.3

    Miles: 10.68

    Miles: 8.73

    MTD: 398.22

  51. Quick ride around the RWS on Royal. Made it to 400 Miles before end of July! Whoohoo!
    Miles: 4.27
    MTD: 402.49

  52. Congrats on getting over 400 miles :-)

  53. 8/1/14 Worked both boys in the Arena. Was hot and humid even at 6PM
    Miles: 3.3
    MTD: 405.79

  54. 8/2/14 Rode Royal at Moss Lake with Justine/Willow.
    Royal was tired when we were done. He is slowly gaining back condition but it will take time.
    Miles: 8.83

    8/5/14 Lap around RWS and out Collins Creek and back.
    Rode Lucky ponied Royal
    Miles: 5.52

    MTD: 420.14

  55. 8/7/14 RWS through Lake of the Woods to Tolt then back through Trilogy to RWS.
    Rode Royal and ponied Lucky. It's hard to keep 2 horses fit!
    Miles: 7.74
    MTD: 427.88

  56. CMO at Elbe. Rode Lucky both days with Lynn and Kitty. Long hot and too much fun!

    8/9/14 Miles: 9.89
    8/10/14 Miles: 15.78

    MTD: 453.55

  57. 8/17/14 Vicki and I did our once a year ride at South Tiger Mtn. Lovely ride but just too short!
    Miles: 8.32
    MTD: 461.87

  58. 8/20/14 evening ride around Redmond Ridge. Got attacked by horrible nasty bees! Poor Royal get stung about 7 times so we cut our ride short and went back to the trailer where we had Benadryl.
    Miles: 2.1

    8/23/14 Rode Lucky to the top of Taylor Mtn with Conner on Royal. Lovely day and the boys were so good! It's a joy to have good horses.
    Miles: 10.93
    MTD: 466.58

  59. Dang! Some day's I just can't do Math. Guess it was a long ride today...
    MTD should be: 474.90

  60. 8/29/14 Nice short ride on Royal around the RWS
    Mile: 4.05
    MTD: 478.95

  61. 8/30/14 rode Lucky to the top of Taylor again with Lynn and Kitty. Great day to ride in the rain. Lovely cool and refreshing.
    Miles: 11.02
    MTD: 489.97

  62. 8/31/14 Rode Royal with Lynn/Sophie and Susan/Capri from KT Arena to RWS round Tuscany and back.
    Round trip was only .22 miles shorter than the Taylor Mtn ride I did yesterday but oh so much easier! Same mileage but fraction the effort when you don't do a 3000ft elevation gain.
    Miles: 10.80
    MTD: 500.77

  63. 9/1/14 What a lovely way to spend Labor Day. Rode Lucky around Bridle trails working on gaiting and balance. Lateral work on the trail does help!
    Miles: 7.6
    MTD: 508.37

  64. 9/6/14 CMO Weekend at Capitol Forest MMK Campground.
    Rode Lucky 2 days. The big guy was hot and tired by the end of the weekend but he still looked good!
    Miles: 18.93

    Miles: 10.29
    MTD: 537.59

  65. 9/17/14 RWS+ rode Lucky and ponied Royal. Rode to George's barn to pick up boots I had loaned him to try out. The horses got to meet goats, lama, and a terrifying wooly sheep! (Oh my!)
    Miles: 7.22

    9/20/14 CMO At Indian Camp in the Teanaway. Rode Lucky. Fabulous views and the fall colors were spectacular. Heat management and altitude were a challenge for the big guy.
    Miles: 14.05

    9/22/14 Sunday CMO at Indian Camp in the Teanaway. Rodae up to Lunchbox Rock, the Monolith and Indian Cave. View were amazing. This is an easy ride that I'll bring friends back to see.
    Miles: 13.73
    MTD: 543.37

  66. Shoot! Did my MTD off the 2nd to last total.
    Correct MTD is: 572.59

  67. 9/24 Wed evening ride at Farrel on Royal
    Miles: 2.64

    9/26 Friday evening ride on the Tolt with Melissa/Pebbles
    Miles: 4.52

    9/28 Did our once a year ride out at Mann Rd. Rode Royal with Melissa/Tuie, Mark/Pabbles, Michelle/Sophie, and Vicki/Sasha. Nice new ride up to lookout rock and we found our way down to the river too for some fun splashing.
    Miles: 8.20

    MTD: 587.95

  68. 10/1 Lap + around the RWS on Lucky with Conner on Royal. Learned that Lucky will buck when Royal leads at a Canter. Guess he's afraid the King is abandoning his minion! We gotta work on that...
    Miles: 5.23
    MTD: 593.18

  69. 10/2 Little training ride for Lucky at Farrel to remind him of his manners. Want back to the basics and he was pretty good.
    Miles: 3.2

    10/4/14 Danville-Georgetown CMO. Rode Lucky with Conner/Royal, Ann/Pepper and Lynn/Kitty. Took 3rd place out of 8 riders. Super challenging ride for greenie Lucky to go with that many horses on a race.
    Miles: 10.21
    MTD: 606.59

  70. Congrats on getting over 600 miles :-)

  71. 10/8/14 Played around in the Arena at Farrel doing a little training with Lucky. Foundation and Laterals. Working on good stops to get his butt under himself. Susan and Capri joined us.
    Miles 3.51
    MTD: 610.10

  72. 10/10/14 Training ride at Farrel again where we worked on "just cause we're headed back doesn't mean we are done... let's do another loop!"
    Miles: 5.05

    10/12/14 Pilchuck on Lucky with Fran/Noel. Exploring and GPSing new trails. Too much fun!
    Miles: 10.69
    MTD: 625.84

  73. 10/16/14 Training ride at Farrel with Lucky and Royal. Royal felt fabulous and feisty! Back is back to 100%
    Miles: 4.20

    10/18/14 Rode Lucky to the top of Taylor with Kathy & Moose. Lucky has made a lot of progress managing his feet on difficult ground this last several months. We had done the same tough trails a couple months ago and Lucky was much improved in both his stamina and surefootedness! Still got a ways to go on surefootedness going downhill but at least he is doing better.
    Miles: 12.86

    10/19/14 Rode Moss Lake on Lucky with Anne-Marie riding Royal and Justine & Willow. Lovely day with temps in the 70's. The horses with their winter coats were hairy sweat balls but still had fun. Picked bags of lovely Chanterelle mushrooms!
    Miles 6.30
    MTD: 649.20

  74. 10/24/14 RWS to lap Tuscany then back to Watershed parking lot the short way... and no I didn't make it back before dusk. I'm really missing June evenings!
    Miles: 8.12
    MTD: 657.32

  75. 11/1/14 Bridle Trails with Lucky and Roy. Swapped saddles halfway and both boys got a workout.
    MTD: 664.58

  76. 11/2/14 D-G on Lucky with Amy/Kate
    Miles 7.62
    MTD: 672.20

  77. 11/7/14 RWS lap with Lucky
    Mile: 5.60
    MTD: 677.80

  78. 11/8/14 Moss Lake. Rode Royal. Anne-Marie rode Lucky. Found a good haul of Chanterelle mushrooms.
    Miles: 8.53
    MTD: 686.33

  79. 11/10/14 Bridle Trails with Lucky and ponied Roy. Rode with Melissa/Pebbles. Horses were very good. Cold but sunny.
    MTD: 691.59

  80. 11/14/14 Cold but sunny Friday. The ground was frozen solid. I had taken Lucky to the Tolt pipeline in hopes that the sun would have melted the ground a little. No luck. I don't think the winter sun ever rose above the treeline to hit the trail in most places. For some reason everything was scary to young Lucky so we did a slow ride with lots of brains work.
    Miles: 4.65
    MTD: 696.24

  81. 11/16/14 D-G on Lucky with Lynn/Kitty, Eileen/Chance, Amanda/Cato. Lovely sunny day but cooooold and frozen ground.
    Miles: 8.97
    MTD: 705.21

  82. 11/27/14 Tolt Pipeline on Lucky with Melissa/Pebbles
    Miles: 4.65

    11/29/14 RWS on Royal with Justine/Willow - nice snow day
    Miles: 4.05

    11/30/14 Taylor Mtn on Lucky with Amy/Kate - Cold and snowy! Lots of ice and snow. Beautiful and sunny. Our Montana and Deer Park ponies did great on the slick footing but we still mostly stuck to logging roads.
    Miles: 10.24

    MTD: 724.15

  83. 12/13/14 RWS + Tuscany with a down tree backtrack - Rode Lucky and ponied Royal. Royal's back is better but he is now fat again and out of shape. Planned a 7 mile ride but turned into a 10 miler with backtracking dues to a down tree.
    Miles: 10.25
    MTD: 734.40

  84. 12/14/14 SVT on Lucky with Vicki/Sasha
    Sunny day with a long flat easy trail. Stopped at the organic farm and Lucky found a tasty pumpkin. Goofy horse! Sasha was kind of dragging so we kept the pace slow.
    Miles: 8.51
    MTD: 742.91

  85. 12/21/14 RWS with Vicki/Sasha. Testing saddle fit for the Specialized on Lucky. We may have successful spine clearance.
    Miles: 4.24

    12/24/14 RWS + Tuscany. Solo on Lucky. Good ride but we lost a boot near the end. Dang!
    Miles: 10.26
    MTD: 757.41

  86. 12/25/14 RWS + Tuscany. Retraced my footsteps and found my boot! Yay! Funny it was nowhere near where I thought it would be. I'd lost it on the Deja-vu loop of Tuscany... about 3 miles before I noticed it was gone.
    Miles: 9.33
    MTD: 766.74

  87. 12/26/14 D-G. Met Lynn/Kitty and Sue for a post X-mas ride.
    Lucky was kind of tired after having gone out the prior 2 days so it was a good thing we kept it slow and just had fun.
    Miles: 5.99
    MTD: 772.73

  88. 12/28/14 Bridle Trails on Royal with friends.
    Miles: 5.05
    MTD: 777.78

  89. 12/30/14 Last ride of the year. Everything was iced up today. Drove to KT Arena thinking that the Pipeline would have got sun and melted as little. Not much winter sun hit the ground and the trail was rock hard and slick. Did a mile and decided to go back to the sand arena and skip sliding around. Lucky was a hot head anyway so he got to work on foundation stuff in the arena.
    Miles: 2.88
    MTD: 780.66
