Thursday, September 4, 2014

Heads Up Everyone!

Just a heads up everyone!   I am not planning on being the reporter for the Distance Derby next year. So I am looking for a volunteer to take over the Derby.   I will be happy to help someone else set it up and show them how to do the blog and the spreadsheet.  It has been such fun, but for the last month, it has been more of a chore then a joy, so it is time to pass it on :-)  Anyone interested?????? 


  1. You've done a super job Diane! Much appreciated by all I'm sure. I won't be signing up for next year, but it sure has been fun!

  2. Diane, thank you so much for taking it on. I will sign up again next year if someone wants to pick up the challenge but unfortunately no way do I have time to keep up the book work. Sure appreciate the job you have done!
